What is next?

Hello Everyone!

Firstly welcome to a brand new blog, brand new name, brand new layout.

I decided to grow up as I approach the marking's of my 29th birthday, I thought I would really get my butt in gear and work on my blog, it was and has been one of my passions that I have truly neglected.

Between today's date and my 30th Birthday next year, I have sat down and realized there are a few more things I want to achieve before the 30's take over a new chapter of my life.

Every year I write things I want to achieve before my birthday, and now we are in the middle of June I am definitely running out of time here.

  1. To go to more concerts and live music events that catch my eye!
  2. Find a good anti-aging skin care routine and stick to it!
  3.  To socialize more, and stop being on the computer so much.
  4. To experience the more simple things.
  5. To get a better fitness routine.
  6. To try a new hairstyle.
  7. To discover what my dreams are.
  8. To maybe find a romance?
  9. To not worry as much.
  10. To take on more appreciation for the ones who care about me.
  11. To find new and more Christian rock music.
  12. To be a better Auntie to my Nieces and Nephew. 
  13. To blog more!
  14. Possibly own a cat... 
  15. To stop saying no so much.
  16. To provide better social media content.
  17. Possibly restart my youtube channel.
  18. Explore more makeup that I am too scared to try.
  19. To clean out the wardrobe and adjust to a more age-appropriate style
  20. To overcome and find ways to cope more with depression and anxiety.
  21. To learn more about my autoimmune issues.
  22. To learn more about mental health issues and new ways of coping.
  23. Ditch the dairy! I'm tired of stomach issues with the lactose.
  24. To explore more ways of cooking.
  25. To travel and explore more of the UK and Christian Events. 
  26. To challenge me in new ways.
  27. Be a better friend.
  28. More social media content.
  29. To smile, and not take everything so seriously.
I have to say as I have roughly a year left to get those goals achievement I am determined to enter my thirties with a much better attitude with life. I feel stronger knowing I can already say that some of these are already ticked off. But others will be constantly working at their situation, I am excited and nervous about next year and the approaching thirties. But I have noticed how much I have learned now as I took in my twenties, and I know more where my life is ready to head to, more of what I am like as a person, and more about who I can be.

I am so glad to have adapted and made a huge new difference for my blog, I am glad to be adventuring into the new sides.

My Twitter and Instagram handle has changed to fit the blog, and please know that I will continue to upload blogs with reviews and mental health support mainly on my trending stories. 

Have a wonderful week, I cannot wait to see you back here!

Let me know your goals for this year, via twitter or facebook.

Lots of love

Viccie! xoxxox


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