I know you are all probably thinking here we go, another post about covid and lockdown, sadly the UK has gone back into such a drastic lockdown once more but I wanted to talk to you about how I have actually been doing.
Although I have mental health issues, I am also sometimes unable to get out of my bed due to my fibromyalgia and some other things, lockdown I thought shouldn't really affect me, I mean I am home nearly most of the time, why would my routine be any different?
But whilst the world is dealing with such a pandemic, my spiritual life with God has drastically become more emotional and almost harder in ways where I cannot meet with my church family, I also have noticed that my ability to keep going has also changed, I have endured many down periods in muy life but with lockdown, I have noticed my mental health with my brain was overthinking and almost overreacting, causing me to turn on myself sadly.
I also noticed more and more of the way people were getting far too hurtful on social media bow they are sitting at home and endlessly scrolling, I have noticed everyone's alter ego side is more prominent in any video, or tweet, or genuinely anything over the influencer world which is far more negative, surely as the world faces this unknown times that we should be far kinder to one another?
Here I am going to share with you what I have found personally help me whilst the lockdown has been happening.
1, find something to be positive about, it could be as small as, "I like how my hair is today." or it could be several things, make note of your positive thought of the day and hold on to it.
2. FaceTime / Whataspp - Although we love to all chatter on the internet, being face to face is rather difficult, I am thankful that technology these days allows us to have video calls, so we can still see one another.
3. Go for a walk or some form of exercise, I know the weather is colder and more unappealing but fresh air is great for the mind and body, if you take even a 10-minute walk carefully during the day, you already improving vastly on your mental health and bonding the blood in your body circulation to increase the hormones which will help remove the depre4ssing thoughts, it's not a miracle worker and believes there are days where I just can't be bothered to do this myself, but I always come back feeling better after having that walk.
4. Baking - I know not everyone likes to create w whirlwind of mess in the kitchen but I recently have discovered a new love for cooking, I have made cakes, brownies, peanut butter oatmeal bars, and all sorts whilst needing something to do during the lockdown, its helped distract my mind enough to also then be excited about how the recipe is going to turn out, I have enjoyed improving my baking and cooking skills.
I hope these little tips help you, I hope that you are safe, warm and well as you read this post, and my heart is with you all during this pandemic and lockdown.
lots of love