Paris Hilton Youtube Documentary

I paused the video from Youtube at 26 minutes in, the haunting words from Paris Hilton being the original influencer and her haunting words ” I helped create a monster” sent a slight shiver down my spine. I have never been focused on celebrities, significantly since turning thirty years old. I have drifted away far more from gossip magazines, social media posts about the latest drama. When I used to hear the term influencer, my immediate thoughts go to the former Youtubers I used to watch, back when they didn't make millions and were hugely down to earth. My first reaction to this documentary was going to be titled differently, and my mind thought of negative comments to slate Paris Hilton. Having then continued to watch the rest of the documentary, I see a side entirely that Paris was forced to remain this character. To stay with the world liking her, similar to when Taylor Swift reputation finally showed its true self. As she was told to keep this orchestra good girl performance...