Old Habits Die Hard....
Old Habits Die Hard...... Hello Everyone! Welcome back if your an avid reader or special welcome if you stumbled to my blog not knowing or just in curiosity, please note I do write avidly for mytrendingstories.com and they are amazing, check out my blog page there here where some of my content goes just over there and not on this blog too. I was thinking the other day about my journey and my Christianity side of my life, if you didn't know I was baptised at baptist church on the 13th of October 2013, after much debating and answers found and more it is no secret that I am a Christian. I'm always careful how I talk about my religious side of my life especially on social media, I am not the person who will force people to believe in the stuff I do or the stuff that things people should think about, everyone makes there choices about there beliefs and its only fair to respect that. My Father is a baptist Christian, my Brot...